Thursday, February 4, 2016

Structured Products in Switzerland on the Rise

Key Figures For SIX Swiss Exchange And SIX Structured Products Exchange: January 2016

Date 01/02/2016

  • Trading turnover of CHF 112.7 billion (+13.8% month-on-month) and number of trades 4,635,785 (+19.9% versus the previous month)
  • Average trading turnover per day: CHF 5.6 billion

A total of 4,635,785 transactions were conducted on SIX Swiss Exchange and SIX Structured Products Exchange in January 2016, a month-on-month increase of 19.9%. 

The structured products and warrants segment posted the strongest growth, with 74,214 trades (+28.4%). The number of transactions in the equities including funds + ETPs segment increased by 20.2% to 4,437,167. There was an increase of 7.9% in the number of trades in the ETFs segment to 90,205. 

The only decline was in the CHF bonds segment, which, with 33,023 trades, saw a decrease of 3.1% on the December figure.

There was a month-on-month increase in trading turnover across all securities of 13.8%. This growth is also reflected in the average trading turnover per day, which rose to CHF 5.6 billion in January 2016. With an increase of 46.5% to CHF 1.1 billion, the sharpest growth in trading turnover was recorded by the non-CHF bonds segment. In ETFs, trading turnover was up by 37.3% to CHF 9.7 billion. 

There was also a marked rise in structured products and warrants. At CHF 1.6 billion, turnover was 15.5% higher than in the previous month. In the equities including funds + ETPs segment, turnover was up by 12.6% to CHF 88.2 billion.

Trading turnover in the CHF bonds segment climbed by 4.9% to CHF 12.0 billion. Even though the number of trades was down, turnover in CHF bonds increased by 4.9% to CHF 12.0 billion.

Despite the strong start to the year, SIX Swiss Exchange and SIX Structured Products Exchange saw 25.4% fewer transactions and a fall in trading turnover of 38.0% in comparison with the record month of January 2015. This was primarily due to the removal of the euro floor on 15 January 2015 and the resulting high level of trading activity on SIX Swiss Exchange.

13 new CHF bond issues (+18.2% compared with the corresponding month in the previous year, -59.4% month-on-month) and 3,586 new structured products and warrants (-39.5%/+16.9%) were admitted to trading in January.
The performance of the most important equity indices was as follows in January 2016: the blue chip SMI® index stood at 8,319.8 points at the end of January, which equates to a decline of 5.7% versus end-2015. The SLI Swiss Leader Index® stood at 1,249.7 points (-6.2%) and the broader-based SPI® at 8,610.7 points (-5.3%). The SBI® AAA-BBB Total Return was up by 1.7% to 136.8 points. - mondovisione
Related - Why the Swiss unpegged the franc?

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